Thursday, April 2, 2009

Love Those Little Movies?

Since we've been talking about video trailers the last couple of days, I'm curious about everyone's opinion concerning these little movies.

Do you usually view them when you're at an author's site, promo site, bookstore site like, or anywhere else on the net?

Or do you only check out those of your favorite authors'?

Has a trailer piqued your interest enough that you've actually bought the book? Or do you just think you might and don't really make the effort to head to the bookstore?

Does it make you look at a genre differently, one you normally don't read but now think you might based on a trailer?

Do you even like the video trailers at all? Are they a waste of time for you? You can take'em or leave'em?

As an aspiring author, do you think you'll invest in one when you become published?

Published authors, have you found your trailer to be effective for you? Do you get good feedback on them, letting you know they're working as far as sales? Would you do it again on your next book?

Do you think other means of advertising are more effective? Less effective?

Take a look at Stacey's video again:

If you were to think about having a trailer created for your current WIP, how would you want it to be seen? Do you even think about that at this point?

Have you checked into video trailers at all to know more about them? Talked to an author to find out if they're worth the time and effort?

What's your favorite video trailer? Once you read the book, did the trailer represent the book to your satisfaction?

Did you know that the term "book trailer" is copyrighted? Yep. You can't use that lovely term willy-nilly. COS Productions holds that copyright.

Enough questions? Or have you thought of something I didn't ask? Give it to me!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sandy, as log as you're the one doing my book "video formerly known as trailer"- I'm all in!-lol You did such a great job!

    I think that book videos are a great way to reach a broader span of readers.

    My question is- what about a voice over? I wonder what a trailer would be like that used a narrator. (I've yet to see one.)I think it's something to think about.

  3. Sarah, you should check out the COS trailers. They're spectacular but they're also very, very, very expensive, upwards of $2,000. But they even do actual video and some are really terrific. I love the Madeline Hunter Lessons of Love trailer - I think that's the title of it.

    I'll have to experiment with recording voice. I believe I have that feature! But then you need one of those people you hear on TV. LOL, you need a smooth-as-whiskey voice for a hero!

    And I will certainly create your trailer for you when you're ready!

  4. I didn't know the term Book Trailer was copyrighted. I've noticed the trend of folks calling them Book Videos now. I've put mine up at Blazing and really enjoy the community. I think book videos are a great way to tell abt your book--as long as it's not too long.

  5. Thanks for posting (and designing!) my video, Sandy! I think book videos reach a new forum of possible readers, and that certainly can't hurt :) Had no idea the term book trailer was copyrighted--crazy!

  6. I like the voice-over idea, Sara! Would be like a movie trailer *g*

  7. Great post! And thank you for mentioning COS. I did want to add that the videos actually start at $300 (yep! three hundred) and include a lot of distribution, not just to social sites, but to booksellers and libraries.
    I've seen a trend with adding voice over lately. If you have voice over you might consider making it so you can re-use it as a radio spot too. Lisa Jackson does that quite successfully, though it doesn't work for all videos.
    Sheila Clover English
